Select the N-Hance cabinet painting and refinishing company listed below that is nearby you.

  1. N-Hance of Franklin

    615-567-5510 2550 Meridian Blvd. Franklin, TN 37067

    Serving Brentwood, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Smyrna, TENNESSEE, Rutherford County & Yadkinville, TN

  2. N-Hance Columbia TN

    931-548-4000 1039 Cornelia St. Nashville, TN 37217

    Serving Columbia & Spring Hill, TN

  3. N-Hance of Southeast Tennessee

    423-840-1974 Athens, TN 37303

    Serving Blount County, Cleveland, Etowah, Loudon County, Ooltewah, Riceville, TENNESSEE, Charleston & Monroe County, TN

Outside of TN? Find cabinet painting & refinishing service nearby.