// Add the event listener for Gravity Forms submission document.addEventListener('gform_confirmation_loaded', function(event) { gtag('event', 'gravity_form_submit', { // Use your new event name here 'event_category': 'Forms', 'event_label': 'Gravity Form Submit', 'value': 1 }); });

    This web site is a free service provided by N-Hance, Inc. to its independent franchisees. At N-Hance, our culture of service to our brand's customers prides itself on giving every customer a great experience at every opportunity.

    This web site lists jobs available with our independent franchisees. N-Hance, Inc. and its affiliates are not the employers. Each franchisee who offers a job decides whether to hire you, sets your terms of employment and is responsible for your compensation, benefits, schedule, discipline, training and retention. N-Hance Inc., the franchisor, sets standards of operation for the chain as a whole, but does not make day to day decisions at the business and does not supervise your work. The franchisee is solely responsible for your workplace environment and the decisions that affect your job.

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