Never heard of preventative maintenance for hardwood floors? If not, it’s a great idea because it can be the difference in not only the lasting beauty of your floors, but also the useful life of your floor.
Think for a moment about your car’s engine. Proper maintenance and regular oil changes will keep the engine running smoothly for hundreds of thousands of miles. In contrast, if you don’t change the oil, the oil breaks down and gets full of dirt and contaminants that accumulate and this can damage your engine. Before you know it, your car’s performance is reduced along with your engine’s life.
Just like your engine’s oil, your floors don’t like sediment and dirt. Tiny particles of dust, dirt, and other abrasive debris “walks-in” from outside on people’s hoes, etc. and gets deposited on your floor. It’s inevitable that these tiny (and some not too tiny) particles swirl around and make microscratches on your floor. By itself, one microscratch is insignificant. But, even if you are a stellar housekeeper, after years of sediment swirling around your floors, the hundreds of microscratches tend to dull your floor’s finish and, eventually, wear through the finish, especially in areas of high traffic like in walkways, hallways, beside beds, at the kitchen sink, around tables, etc.
Older finishes like varnish and early urethanes were not as durable as today’s technologies so, older finishes will tend to be more susceptible to damage from everyday wear and tear.
So, what’s the solution? Well, if your floor’s finish is already dull, our Classic Renewal is the best Maintenance Program for your floor. Think of it like your scheduled maintenance of your car. If you do it on a regular interval, then you’ll never have to get your floor sanded.
Our Classic Renewal can take care of microscratches and give you a brand new, durable finish with our Lightspeed® Nano.
If your floor has deeper scratches, water damage or pet damage, sanding is going to be your best option to restore your floors to their original beauty.
N-Hance offers sanding services as well. But, sanding is a more invasive process where trims need to be removed and reinstalled and there is more noise and disruption in your home. This process will take longer than a Classic Renewal. Additionally, even though there are advanced filtration systems that capture 98% of the dust, there is always still some dust with sanding. Nobody likes dust!
By the nature of the process, sanding also removes some wood from your floor. The layer of wood above the tongue and groove on your solid wood floors is a maximum of 1/4″ when it’s brand new and each time you sand the floors, some of that wear layer is removed. This is why you will read that a solid wood floor can only be sanded 2-3 times before you sand through the wear layer and the floor’s stability and usability is compromised.
Most people don’t think about maintaining their wood floors with anything other than regular cleaning, but the better option is our Classic Renewal.
With our Classic Renewal, our team will use an aggressive buffing pad over your entire floor with our proprietary Surface Prep Pro solution that cleans, decreases and decontaminates your floor. Then, we apply a neutralizing sealer to ensure a good bond between your floor and our Lightspeed® Nano finish. We will then apply two coats of our revolutionary UV-cured Lightspeed® Nano finish for maximum durability and scratch resistance.
Lightspeed® Nano is offered in five sheen levels, including Flat, Matte, Satin, Semi-Gloss, and High Gloss. Lightspeed® Nano is water-based, so it doesn’t give off toxic fumes. And because it is cured with a UV-light, it’s instantly cured once exposed to the light. This mean you can place your rugs and walk on the floors as soon as it’s cured. This minimizes disruption in your home and gets you back to living as soon as possible.
Depending on the amount of traffic in your home, we recommend Classic Renewal once every 2-5 years to avoid the need for sanding.
Call us today for a free, fast in-home estimate at (614) 632-6882 or complete our In-Home Estimate Request Form.