Are you thinking of painting your kitchen cabinets? It is time you have a free in-home or virtual estimate from N-Hance of Cary and Durham to find out how affordable professional cabinet painting can be!

N-Hance of Cary and Durham starts by going over your project with you. Customer service is very important to us, so we go over your concerns with your cabinets, and discuss in detail our cabinet painting process of using your existing cabinet boxes, doors and drawers and refinishing them. If you would like a new cabinet door style we also offer this service. We can order new ones and refinish them to match your cabinet boxes. We will help you pick out your cabinet color and the finish top coat. We count/measure your kitchen and give you a firm estimate. No surprises from us! 

Some of the additional things N-Hance of Cary and Durham offer are: 

  • Soft-Close Hinges: Incase you are tired of hearing your cabinet doors slamming shut.
  • Crown Molding: Gives your cabinets a custom look.
  • New Doors/Drawers: Update the style of your kitchen without having to go through a whole remodel!
  • Hardware: We can help update your pulls and knobs on your cabinets, or we can drill new holes if you would like a new style of hardware.

Once you have made all your selections N-Hance of Cary and Durham will schedule a day that works for you! If you are ready to get started on your cabinet painting project, but are not sure of what you want, we can assist you. We are happy to go over options with you and help you decide. We also have sample doors and color swatches to help you. You can give us a call at 919-901-1333, or by filling out our estimate form at the top of this page.